Meet Zen Arcadia

Zen Arcadia is an alternative rock band from Sacramento, CA. Zen Arcadia, formed in 2010, is dB (vox/guitar), Nolan (guitar/vox), Seth (bass) and C-Dub (drums). Yeah, they’re all dudes! I like to share some love for my own gender every now and again. They are, they say, “loud and quiet, fast and slow, a little…

Hüsker Dü, Bob Mould and Sugar

Bob Mould is 53 years old! Never heard of Bob Mould? Well, Mould (on the right, above) was one half of the creative force behind the influential 80’s punk trio Hüsker Dü, from Minneapolis, MN. Never heard of Hüsker Dü? Well, you have heard of a little band called Nirvana, right? They would not have…